Tuesday, September 25, 2012

{3} and {4} of fifty

[3] If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

I think this is going to be a question that I'm not sure how to answer. I ask myself this sometimes and wonder why we do this. I try to not do things I do not like and focus more on the things I do like and become adventurous. But I believe we get into a habit of doing these unlikable things and we just do them or there isnt a lot of time in the day.
I do not like work, but I have to make money so that I can afford our apartment and pay our bills and spend money on the occasional beauty items :)
I really like blogging and shopping and organizing but some days there just isn't enough time in a day to get everything done that I want to get done. 
I vow, today, to do more things I like, and spend less time doing the things I dont like.

[4] When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?

I hope not. I hope that I really will be able to do a lot more than something I have said I wanted to do. I hope to become a mother (once, twice, maybe even three or more times over..), live in my dream house while being a stay at home mom, and I hope to travel. But most of all I hope my family, my friends, and I are happy and healthy.

I don't want these just to become things I've said I want to do, but I want to do them. So I hope that when it's all said and done, I will have done more than I have said---or at least done what I have said.

First post here

Monday, September 17, 2012

September Goal Progress

I am failing so miserably at my goals for the month of September.
Last week I think I worked out one day, didnt read any of the book, havent been able to get off the computer at a decent time, and I just feel like a huge, big, fat failure.

I am hoping to be able to start getting up early again and going to the gym. These past couple weeks just havent been the best. I really like working out in the morning, its just hard to actually get up. If anyone has any tips for me to actually be able to get my butt out of bed, Id gladly take them.

The only goal that I have been actually doing well with is my saving $10/day goal. I have actually been taking the $70 a week out of my paycheck and putting into our savings account. Im actually quite excited to see 300 more dollars in our savings account. Hopefully using the money that we save to buy our first house, which is another post all on its own!

Off computer/electronic devices by 8:30pm--again except for school, which I have been doing my homework early on Sunday afternoons.
Start reading in "The Love Dare"
Workout at least 5 times a week--My 1st goal was workout 6 days a week.

I will see how these re-evaluated goals goes and hopefully jump all the way in with awesome and better goals for October.

Do you have any tips for getting motivated in the morning? How are you doing with your goals?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Workout Wednesday--9/12

I have started Workout Wednesday to get myself, and hopefully you, motivated for staying active and healthy. These posts will contain pictures, recipes, and any other fitness inspiration I have found around the internet- mostly from Pinterest, I am slightly addicted ;). Make sure to follow me!

Now, let's get inspired!

[1] I say this to myself daily.

[2] I do this while at the gym. It's a quick and fun workout. (I sometimes switch the crunches and squats around)

[4] So very true.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Inspiration 9/9

Inspiration on Pinterest






Friday, September 7, 2012

Wanna Know More?

I want to get a post up and this will be somewhat of a no brainer, not having to think kind of post. Something I need after today...

I hope to get some more substantial posts up soon, none with random and miscellaneous questions :)

This is called the Get To Know Me Tag. I found it on YouTube and decided to answer the questions. Let's see how this goes :)

I deleted some of the questions I have previously answered and ones that I didn't think were fun.

1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?  Of course
2.  A big poofy dress or a short party dress?  Short party dress
3.  Are diamonds a girl's best friend? ...yeah!
4.   Is your hair up or down today? down
5.   Do you straighten your hair? nope, its pretty straight naturally
6.   Favorite mascara? I love Maybelline...but Im using Revlon at the moment. I like it!
7.  Do you get your nails done? rarely. I usually do them myself
8.     Small or large purses? depends on the event.. Mostly large though
9.  Jeans or sweats? depends! I love sweats on lazy days, but really like jeans for every day wear. You can either dress down or up a pair of great jeans!
10.   Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Nope
11.  Do you text message a lot? ..Not really. I do text message but not a lot.
12.  Heels or flats? Flats, although I do love a good pair of heels. I just mostly wear flats.
13.  Would you ever leave the house without makeup on? Yes, I have before. To the gym for an early morning workout.
14.  Do you think lip gloss is the best!?  Love lipgloss.
15.  Do you own any big sunglasses? I'm not sure if I would call them big...
16. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 20-30 minutes
17.  Gold or silver? Silver
18. Do you like to wear dresses?  love dresses
19.  In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? yes, my husband. I do live with him. ha
20.  Would you kill for chocolate? I like chocolate, but wouldn't kill for it. 
21. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? depends on the mood I'm in. Could be a 10, could be a 6. Shopping is never a 1 though :)
22. Do you yell a lot? no
23. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? I don't think my boss would appreciate that. 
24. What makeup could you not live without? mascara

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Beat the Giants 24-17!

The Cowboys had their first game last night and WON! against the New York Giants. Dustin and I ordered Pizza Hut and enjoyed the game.

It was a great game! It was also a great game for my fantasy players: Tony Romo, Demarco Murray, Jason Witten, and Dan Bailey. They all scored me some fantastic points. Thanks boys ;)

This game kicks off a great season and am hoping this win gives the team some momentum to work toward every game!

Courtesy of  the Dallas Cowboys Facebook page

On our way to a Super Bowl!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

How 'Bout Them Cowboys!!


I absolutely love everything about fall, but especially love football. Before I met Dustin, I would stay updated on the Green Bay Packers, but never really got into the games or watched very much. Since I have met Dustin, I've become a Dallas Cowboys fan and love love love football!! I love the games, food, gear..everything about it. I still root for the Packers too :)

This year Dustin and I have started our own fantasy football teams. My team name: "Rome's Empire" as Tony Romo is my quarterback. Holla'! Cute and now very-sexy-because-he's-a-father quarterback ;).

I am so into football right now and ready for it to start; Cowboys' 1st game is Wednesday the 5th!

Cowboys Wreath
I saw this Cowboys wreath on Pinterest and had to make a wreath for this football season. I didn't want to make a wreath with burlap so I found another wreath for inspiration that was made with yarn and created my own Cowboys Football wreath.

Cassi's wreath

I am very ready for football season to start and hoping the Cowboys do great!! 

A picture from our Honeymoon to a Cowboys game


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Goals, Everybody's Got 'Em

September 1st, 2012:

I have decided to give myself some goals to achieve this month. This idea of goals and achieving something, anything you want, all started with Shay and is Shayloss YouTube channel. (Check out their channels...they are an awesome family!!! Colette, Shay's wife, also has a channel.) 

I watched the September 1st Shayloss video this morning, and I thought all morning about what my goals would be. I knew most of them would pertain to weight loss and becoming healthy, but I wanted some "fun" goals too.

Here they are:

Lose at least 10 pounds this month

Work out 6 days a week

Save $10 per day

Re-read "The Love Dare"

Get off the computer by 7 pm every night

2-3 blog posts each week

I know that I gave myself a lot to accomplish, but I am hoping that by writing it here, and the post-it notes on my mirror will get me motivated to get them all accomplished or some of them somewhat accomplished.

Most people say to only have 2-3 goals and stick with those, but these have been all things that have been on my mind that I want to say, "I accomplished these". With the working out and losing weight goals, I am most likely going to keep those as ongoing goals as I definitely want to lose more than 10 pounds. And with wanting to lose more than 10 pounds, working out is definitely going to help me get there. 

The sub-goals for these "bigger" goals are:

Lose at least 10 pounds this month
--no soda, fast food or sweets
--only drinking water
--write down everything I eat

Workout 6 days a week ( I may end up switching up these sub-goals to work better for me)
--go to the gym in the mornings (get up at 5:30am) and do the couch to 5k program
--P90x at nights with Dustin or gym at night if feeling up for it
--write on the calendar when I work out (P90x and/or gym)

Save $10 per day
--I am taking the money directly out of paycheck and putting into savings. I am paid every week, so this should work really well.
--No buying unneeded items at Target!!

Re-read "The Love Dare"
--Its from the movie Fireproof (great movie). I've only read a handful of the "chapters" (it is really days) but haven't really done the exercises and read all the way through
--Become more loving to Dustin (not saying I am not already, I just want him to know just how much he means to me)
--Become a "yes" person

Get off the computer every night by 7pm
--with the exception of school nights and homework. I have online classes this quarter so this should be doable. If not I will not be on YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest or any other time suck after 7pm.
--spend that extra time being off the computer with my husband 

Blogging 2-3 posts/week
--these will have to be scheduled posts or posts done on my lunch break.

I will update each week with how I've done! If I don't get a post up, I will certainly post about everything that's happened regarding these goals at the end of September.

Let's do this..
