September 1st, 2012:
I have decided to give myself some goals to achieve this month. This idea of goals and achieving something, anything you want, all started with Shay and is Shayloss YouTube channel. (Check out their channels...they are an awesome family!!! Colette, Shay's wife, also has a channel.)
I watched the September 1st Shayloss video this morning, and I thought all morning about what my goals would be. I knew most of them would pertain to weight loss and becoming healthy, but I wanted some "fun" goals too.
Here they are:
Lose at least 10 pounds this month
Work out 6 days a week
Save $10 per day
Re-read "The Love Dare"
Get off the computer by 7 pm every night
2-3 blog posts each week
I know that I gave myself a lot to accomplish, but I am hoping that by writing it here, and the post-it notes on my mirror will get me motivated to get them all accomplished or some of them somewhat accomplished.
Most people say to only have 2-3 goals and stick with those, but these have been all things that have been on my mind that I want to say, "I accomplished these". With the working out and losing weight goals, I am most likely going to keep those as ongoing goals as I definitely want to lose more than 10 pounds. And with wanting to lose more than 10 pounds, working out is definitely going to help me get there.
The sub-goals for these "bigger" goals are:
Lose at least 10 pounds this month
--no soda, fast food or sweets
--only drinking water
--write down everything I eat
Workout 6 days a week ( I may end up switching up these sub-goals to work better for me)
--go to the gym in the mornings (get up at 5:30am) and do the couch to 5k program
--P90x at nights with Dustin or gym at night if feeling up for it
--write on the calendar when I work out (P90x and/or gym)
Save $10 per day
--I am taking the money directly out of paycheck and putting into savings. I am paid every week, so this should work really well.
--No buying unneeded items at Target!!
Re-read "The Love Dare"
--Its from the movie Fireproof (great movie). I've only read a handful of the "chapters" (it is really days) but haven't really done the exercises and read all the way through
--Become more loving to Dustin (not saying I am not already, I just want him to know just how much he means to me)
--Become a "yes" person
Get off the computer every night by 7pm
--with the exception of school nights and homework. I have online classes this quarter so this should be doable. If not I will not be on YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest or any other time suck after 7pm.
--spend that extra time being off the computer with my husband
Blogging 2-3 posts/week
--these will have to be scheduled posts or posts done on my lunch break.
I will update each week with how I've done! If I don't get a post up, I will certainly post about everything that's happened regarding these goals at the end of September.
Let's do this..