Thursday, November 15, 2012


Writing posts are easier to write when lists are involved. Let's try this out!

1. Im having trouble getting back into the groove of posting. Bear with me as I try and get back to posting regularly again.

2. I have some ideas for posts in mind, just need to find the time to get them done. I have a weekend to do whatever I want, so hopefully I can get some projects done, all my recorded shows watched, homework done, blog posts typed up, and all housework done. Lets see how much of that actually happens!!

3. Since the last horrible headache episode from last Wednesday, there haven't been any recent episodes. But I think staring at my computer at work is not good for me. My eyes and head are hurting.

4. I am loving books all of a sudden. I have 3 sitting by my bed (rotating between 2 at the moment), I won one in a giveaway that I should be getting shortly, and I feel like I cant get enough reading done!

5. The weekend that Revenge started its 2nd season, my mother in law reminded me that there was a "catch up" episode on. I watched it and from then I was hooked. I watched the whole 1st season on Netflix that weekend. I tried finding some other shows (like I need anymore) and got hooked on Scandal (soo good, love the fast paced nature of it) and started Army Wives.

6. I finally was able to watch 2 episodes of Army Wives again. Im only on Season 2 but again such a great show!

I feel like it's bad stopping on number 6, but I cant think of anything else. If I do, I guess I will be posting more!


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