Monday, November 19, 2012

Future Baby: Nursery Ideas


When we have our first baby, either boy or girl, I want to incorporate most of these different ideas in it. I love the idea of the alphabet wall or using letters in the room. I am also loving the polka dots as well--in any aspect. 
Of course we have to add in elephants some how as they are my husbands favorite animal. I am also loving the different ways to showcase the baby's name and their stats from birth.

I also love all of these ideas because it can be gender neutral (if we weren't going to find out) and then add in either pink or blue accents!

I of course have a lot more ideas for nurserys, but the alphabet wall and polka dots are quickly becoming my favorite!!

What are your favorite nursery ideas?


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Days 14 through 18

14 Pay days: Wednesday's are our pay days at work, so I am thankful for the ability to put money in our checking account. Thankful to have a job that pays and treats me well (which I mentioned on the 9th)

15 Little Caesars: It was a late night, so I am thankful for their pizza.  Also thankful for my husband who didn't mind not having a home cooked meal for supper. (Dustin didn't get off work until 6:45 pm- He is such a hard worker. He is the best!!)

16 Guns: My husband was out of town hunting this weekend. I am thankful that we have a gun to protect myself while he isn't here. While we do live in a very safe neighborhood, I am thankful that there is the ability to have the gun to protect ourselves. I am also thankful that I didn't have to use it!

17 Book Vouchers: Thank goodness I am able to use a book voucher for my textbooks. Otherwise I would have to get 2 more jobs to be able to afford them. {side note: why are they soo dang expensive!}. I'm also thankful that I have the ability to go to school and continue towards my bachelors degree. 

18 Overtime: The Cowboys overtime. How they didn't play well the rest of the game is anyone's guess, I'm just thankful that they played well in overtime. :)

Days 8-13 of Thankfulness

[8] My Sister: I love her so very much and want her to have everything happy and good in the world. She is the best. She has a great sense of humor that makes me laugh for days!

[9] Work: Even though there are days when I cannot stand working any longer, there are other days where I feel so lucky. I was able to leave work early today, which was much needed after the week. I am thankful for the experience that this job has given me.

[10] Lazy Days: I am thankful for the ability to spend lazy days, hanging out with my husband. We dont have anywhere to be, anyone to see, and its those days where it's just great to lounge around and hang out. Love!

[11] Our Veterans: Happy Veteran's Day!

[12] Good Books: I love falling into a good book and having the ability to be able to read. I have I believe 4 sitting on my nightstand right now and love being able to flip through them. (I am only reading between 2 at the moment, and just received one in the mail so I have a lot of reading to do :) )

[13] Board Games: I am thankful to be able to spend quality time with my husband and be able to be a kid again!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I can't believe I said it...

P.S. Tehya is my sister!!

P.S.S. She found a kitty in the road but when her boyfriend went back to go get it, it was gone.


Writing posts are easier to write when lists are involved. Let's try this out!

1. Im having trouble getting back into the groove of posting. Bear with me as I try and get back to posting regularly again.

2. I have some ideas for posts in mind, just need to find the time to get them done. I have a weekend to do whatever I want, so hopefully I can get some projects done, all my recorded shows watched, homework done, blog posts typed up, and all housework done. Lets see how much of that actually happens!!

3. Since the last horrible headache episode from last Wednesday, there haven't been any recent episodes. But I think staring at my computer at work is not good for me. My eyes and head are hurting.

4. I am loving books all of a sudden. I have 3 sitting by my bed (rotating between 2 at the moment), I won one in a giveaway that I should be getting shortly, and I feel like I cant get enough reading done!

5. The weekend that Revenge started its 2nd season, my mother in law reminded me that there was a "catch up" episode on. I watched it and from then I was hooked. I watched the whole 1st season on Netflix that weekend. I tried finding some other shows (like I need anymore) and got hooked on Scandal (soo good, love the fast paced nature of it) and started Army Wives.

6. I finally was able to watch 2 episodes of Army Wives again. Im only on Season 2 but again such a great show!

I feel like it's bad stopping on number 6, but I cant think of anything else. If I do, I guess I will be posting more!

Friday, November 9, 2012

{5} and {6} & {7} and {8} of fifty

I figured I should start answering more of these thought provoking questions otherwise I would still be doing these next year...

{5}What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Plain and simple: everyone to get along with one another. The hate and hostility towards people is honestly heartbreaking. The wars and fighting and killing of other human beings is just awful to me.

{6} If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

Being a mom and taking care of my husband and children. One day this will happen but I still feel rich with everything that I have. But, most definitely being a mom to another little person would make be the happiest and I'd be the richest and happiest lady in all the land :) :)

{7} Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

I'm settling...for right now. I hope to be able to do what I believe in when I am older but for right now I am settling. The only thing that I am settling for right now is my job. I am hoping to be able to find a different job after I get done with school, until then I will stay here. I am doing what I believe in all other aspects of my life though--school, family, hobbies.

{8} If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

I'd worry less. I am such a worrier that I feel like I have wasted away a lot of my life worrying. If I were to only live until I was 40 years old, I'd quite the worrying and live more. Travel with my family and spend more time with them. I would definitely find a job that I love, and not settle for a job that didn't make me happy. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

[7] My bed

I had every intention of writing a post or two last night after my hubby left for darts. Plus, I wanted to get started on some of my homework that is due on Sunday night.

My body had different plans for me. I got home after work and all of a sudden got this horrible headache feeling on the left side of my head, close to my eye. It was bearable until about 6:45 pm when I finally took some medicine.  I think it was a migraine, but I'm not positive as it was my first one ever. I tried watching TV on the couch, but the sounds and lights were horrible that I went to my bed and fell asleep until 10:30 pm. Dustin got home and I took 2 more ibuprofen with some sleep aid in them and went straight back to bed.

I must be getting sick or something. I feel a little bit better today, but still have the stuffy nose and head still hurts a little. Not enough that I need to take anything though, which is good. 

I try not to take anything medicine wise if I don't have to. I like my body fighting off anything by itself without the help of medicine. So when I have to take something, I know that I am not feeling well at all.

So Im thankful for my bed and the ability to take medicine to try and get me back to my normal self.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Workout Wednesday--11/7

Oh my...SO good.30 minute workout

Keep it up.

All were pinned to my own Pinterest board

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

[5] Faith and [6] Freedom

I am thankful for my new-found faith in my God and for His faith in me. I know that my faith is something that I will always have and am so very grateful for that. I am so thankful that I have recently opened my heart up to Him. With finding my faith again, I hope to be a more positive and happy person and also a more caring and thoughtful wife.

I am also so very thankful for my freedom, especially on a day such as election day. We are soo lucky to be able to have the privilege to be able to vote. The US is such a great country and I am so thankful for my freedom to be able to do the things I like and believe the things I want. 


Gratitude Quote

Maybe we're not supposed to be happy.

Maybe gratitude has nothing to do with joy. Maybe being 

grateful means recognizing what you have for what it is. 

Appreciating small victories. Admiring the struggle it takes

 to simply be human. Maybe, we're thankful for the familiar 

things we know. And maybe we're thankful for the things 

we'll never know. At the end of the day, the fact that we 

have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to 

celebrate. Dr. Meredith Grey

Note: I saw this quote and knew I had to add it in my blog somewhere for 30 days of thankfulness. I love Grey's Anatomy as well, so I really love this quote.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

[4] Football

Sundays in our home are football days/nights, more specifically Cowboys football.  Cowboys play in about 30 minutes, so we will see how well they play tonight.

Hopefully they can beat the Atlanta Falcons that are undefeated right now. We are hoping for a win, but will still be fans if they lose.

Go Cowboys!!

found here

Saturday, November 3, 2012

(3) Home(s)

Today, Dustin and I traveled back to Watertown for some hunting. Dustin recently won a gun so we went back to get that and then did some hunting later in the day. We had a great time, despite seeing any birds. It was my first time getting a hunting license(!), so it was pretty awesome!

I am thankful that we are able to travel back and forth between our home and our parents' homes. With the travelling, I am also thankful that we are able to have a safe place to go when we are needing some time away from the chilly wind and cold. 

Also want to add that I am thankful for guns. Honestly, its nice to have something to keep us safe here in our apartment and out there in the crazy world.

I didn't get any pictures of us with our hunting gear or walking, but it was nice to spend time with my hubby doing something he really likes. <3 


Friday, November 2, 2012

[2] Family and Friends

I am so very thankful for my family: close and extended--sisters, brothers, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins.  Dustin and myself are soo lucky to have such a great support system around us. We all have fun together and really do love spending time with each other. 

There is something so special about your family. I am thankful that we have so many people surrounding us with love and support and happiness.

I am also thankful for our friends. We may not always see each other or get to hang out as much as we want, but I know what they will be there if I ever needed them. <3

I am also thankful that myself and Dustin and our close and extended families and friends are all healthy and happy.
found here


Thursday, November 1, 2012

[1] My Husband

I am thankful for my husband. Dustin makes me laugh when I want to cry, will be silly and crazy with me, and put up with me. I am so thankful that I get to call him my husband and my best friend.

He is the best part of me and I thank God every day that I get to be his wife. We have our moments, but at the end of the day we love each other, always. 



P.S. AND he cooks :)

30 Days of Posting and Thankfulness

I started this blog to chronicle our life and have a place to share my thoughts and different ideas. I havent been doing a very good job since I started posting. I hope to change that this month. They (whoever they is) say that once you start blogging/writing every day, it gets easier and you get better at blogging/writing every day. I so hope this is true. 

For the month of November, I have decided to post every day. It wont be anything exciting or meaningful, but I hope to post something every day.

Also, wanted to add that I will be doing the 30 days of Thankfulness. I get so caught up in everything that I dont have, that I am not thankful for the things that I do have. So I want to write all these down too remind myself every single day.

Found  here

Soo, here's to posting every day in November and posting what I am thankful for. CHEERS!!
